Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Cedar Key

My Dad is a pilot and I haven't gone flying with him in a couple of years because we are both so busy and never can coordinate our schedules. So yesterday my Dad decided to fly me to Cedar Key and eat lunch there. I had so much fun. I have never been to Cedar Key before and it was so cute! I was worried that I was going to get sick as I haven't flown in a while plus I was sick with a stomach bug last week as well, but as my Dad said go big or go home when it came to flying so we flew across the state for lunch. My Dad and I don't really spend that much time together one on one for extended periods of time so it was a good day. Here are some pictures from the day.

The really cool clouds from the plane.

Ben Hill Griffin Stadium AKA "The Swamp" from the air

The restaurant we ate at in Cedar Key

Me and my Dad

A really cool restaurant building

some old buildings on the main street in town

The Library

An old fire truck parked by the Library

My Dad loves flying here cause he think it's cool

Downtown Cedar Key from the air

Overall it was a great day and now I'm just chilling during my winter break. I'm ready to go back to school though I miss everyone there but only two weeks left!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

It's been a while

School has kept me very very busy lately. Fortunately for me it's finals week and tomorrow is my last final!! Then home for a month. I'm so excited! I have some pictures to share but i'll make another post later. So this is just a very quick and brief update!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My Little Adventure

So I pass by this everyday on my way from my dorm to the campus.
We call it the pumpkin church. So I just couldn't resist and I bought one to bring back to my dorm room!
Here is my baby pumpkin, isn't it so cute! They also gave me this lovely little sticker which is just adorable!
I think it's the cutest and I put it in my window for now
I'm going to draw a face on it soon, I just don't know when. Oh and this weekend I went to my sister's band competition They got First place in their catagory and 5th place over all Go TCA Marching Band.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Oh Fall

I knew fall weather wasn't going to last very long. I mean it's certainly not hot now but I'm so ready for sweater weather. School is starting to get busy now. I love going to class but boy do I hate studying for test. I'm so tired to, I just feel so exhausted. I need to sleep!! I went to a new church yesterday and it was really good. I mean it's not as good as FBC, but I think I'm going to end up going there the most. It's called Anastasia Baptist Church (ABC). And on a funny note, the wife of the college leader graduated from my high school. So cool. I haven't really been knitting much as I've been studying but I really want to, maybe when I get back to my room this afternoon I will. I'm soooo tired right now I just want to sleep! Well that is my life right now class, study, sleep. I did have a fun time this weekend though. I went to my sister's marching band competition. Whew it was such a long day. I was there from 9 a.m. until about 11:30 that night. They did so good though and I was impressed. They were best in class for Division 1 A and ended up placing 5th overall which if I remember correctly last year at this same competition they placed 6th so that is a good improvement. I really love going to marching band competitions they are so cool and I was never even in Marching Band. I kinda find that hilarious.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


It's so pretty right now. It is totally fall weather right now. I love it. However it makes me slightly mad because I know that in a couple days it will go right back to hot weather. But I'm just going to enjoy the weather for now.

Friday, September 19, 2008

I think my Dorm Room is Making me Sick

That's right my dorm room is making me sick I'm convinced. Well really I don't truly believe that but it is crazy cold. I actually wore flannel pants and a hoodie last night and I never do that not even in the winter at home. I'm going to the store today after I'm done with classes to get some medicine. I think it's really just allergies though, or maybe a combination. I don't know but it's really cold. Classes are going well. I have my first real speech on Monday and it's on Happiness...I'm really not happy about it. I love my U.S. History class my professor is so good. I also like my other history classes but my U.S. History is the best. Oh so another political shout out I guess. I must say all of the comparison of inexperience between Palin and Obama is driving me crazy. First of all I would say that yes Obama probably has more experience than Palin on national and international issues, but Obama is running for President and Palin is not. Palin is running for Vice President. Therefore it is not a very good argument in my opinion. Besides Palin does have John McCain to I guess teach her, and I guess the same argument can be made for Biden. Anyway that is getting on my nerves when I read articles or watch the news (which I don't do that often because I don't have a TV). I guess that's it for now. I haven't really been knitting much, but I've been working on my sister's Bryant's Slipover so I'm about half way done with the waist shaping which is good. Oh and the new Knitty is out and I love it, there are some things I just have to knit from it.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


I don't think I've ever talked about politics on here before but right now I'm so very frustrated that I have to write about it. Today I had a class about Women in American History. I pretty much knew that going into this that it was going to be a very liberal feminist class. I mean I'm all for women's rights but there are somethings that I don't agree with. So of course Governor Sarah Palin came up. Okay here is the thing I don't think anybody really likes her in that class. Some of the things that they talk about are that she is either going to be a bad mother or a bad VP or do a half okay job on both. I think that she can do both. Be a great mother and a great VP, because here is the thing if her husband was running for VP nobody would ask those questions. Also, her abortion stance in right on in my opinion. I realize that people disagree and this is the United States of America we are allowed to disagree. I believe in the sanctity of life so to me abortion is never right. Also her pregnant daughter, apparently this is a huge issue. My view on that, there is only so much a parent can do to hopefully prevent their teenager from getting pregnant. Even if her mom had been a say stay-at-home mom her daughter could have still gone out and gotten pregnant. I mean I know well not personally but I know of Christian girls that have gotten pregnant outside of marriage. Oh and it was mentioned in my class today that Evangelical Christians may not vote for Palin because of the belief that a man should be the head of the household and not be up front leaders in church. Which is a slightly untrue statement, I believe that women should not be preachers however I do believe that women are necessary in leadership especially to lead other women. Trust me my church has tons of women leaders. Anyway I wish I had said this but James Dobson is as far as I know completely behind Palin. Therefore if Dobson is behind her than Evangelica Christians take that into consideration more than the argument about women being leaders in church. With all that I think Palin is awesome and could do great things for this nation. I hope this post makes some kind of sense. Oh and for history I'm reading Thomas Paine's Common Sense which I kind of feel is appropriate right now LOL.


I am now at college and I absolutely love it here!! I have 3 history classes which I'm so happy about because that is my major. I am also taking a political science class as well as speech. I'm really not to happy about speech, but I have to take it. Here are some pictures of what my mom calls my "not normal dorm room"

My bed

My desk area

My spiffy ceiling light

the view from my room (it's one of our 2 courtyards)

my fruit plate that my mom thinks is adorable

Some of these places look different now because I have been here for about 5 days now and have some more stuff like I just got some more posters yesterday plus my school books. But I'm having so much fun. I haven't really been knitting because I forgot my Bryant Slipover pattern at home. I can't decide what I want to start right now so I'm kind of waiting. Other than that things are going good and now I have to do some reading.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


It's way over due for a post. I only have one FO to show and that is my Ravelympics Project here is a link to it on ravelry Maroma Scarf.
This is my Maroma Wrap Scarf

And here is a close up.

I'm thinking of trying to make a hat to match it. I haven't every designed anything before but really I'm just taking the stitch pattern and adapting it. I don't know I'm still thinking about it. I have also finished my monkey socks, but I haven't taken pictures of them yet. I also have made a rug for my dorm room and it is super cute! I'll take more pictures soon and add them .
I leave for school in 5 days and I'm so super excited! I am so ready for school to start. Also as you can tell I'm slowly making changes to my blog. I'm ready for a change, it's slow going because I'm playing the the HTML codes and since I don't really know HTML I'm just kinda playing with it. So that's all that's going on lately.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I've been Bitten

Okay it's now time to admit it. I was kinda skeptical at first because well I don't really wear them, but I've been bitten by the sock bug. I love them! They are so fast and easier to knit than i even thought. I'm working on Monkey from Knitty. They are super easy and super cute. I'm using
Colinette Jitterbug in the colorway Fire. I'm in love. Here is a link to my Ravelry project page with more info. I wish I had pictures but alas I let my sister borrow my camera this week for camp so when she gets home on Friday I'll try and take some pictures. I'm also gearing up for the Ravelympics. I'm so excited about it. I'm doing a scarf and will post more about it later. I promise pictures in my next post.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

How Great is Our God

There are oh so many reasons why I love going to the youth service at my church even though technically I'm to0 old for it, but I still go sometimes (okay well a lot but that's because it's so good). Tonight my college and career leader actually spoke because the youth minister was having a meeting with the camp counselors. He spoke on prayer. It was just awesome. When I left I just felt like I wanted to keep worshiping God and I really wish that the praise and worship had been so much longer, one song we sang was How Great is Our God. Which can sometimes get a little old because we sing it so much, but tonight I really focused on the words and what the song was saying and I don't know, it was kinda like a camp moment. Then I was reading this blog about one of Beth Moore's conferences that someone had been to and so now I'm listening to Revelation Song on Youtube because that's the only way I can listen to it. I love worship music, especially the new songs coming out that are what I sometimes like to call rock worship. I don't know there is something about the music being so loud that I can't hear anything else but the music so that way I can focus on God more. I don't know it's kinda weird but awesome and amazing at the same time. I'm just marveling the in the awesomeness of God tonight. I don't normally write posts like this, but this is what I'm feeling.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Why am I blogging about these things?

So I have bought some new yarn. I got the Bernat Bamboo natural blends it's amazing I love the way it feels. I think I'm going to make a washcloth out of it for my new roommate at school. Oh and I bought new foundation. I haven't worn makeup in months because well I didn't really like my foundation so today I went to the store and got some Cover girl trublend whipped foundation or whatever it's called. I love the way it looks on my skin completely natural. Oh and I have started playing around with google docs and other google application stuff. I think I like the fact that I have some documents that are stored on the web so that they maybe they won't get lost or whatever. Apparently things are completely boring if these are the most exciting things that have happened to me lately.

Monday, June 30, 2008


So I'm really disliking this period of my life that I'm in right now. It's like I'm in limbo just waiting for things to happen, or things are happening and I'm not part of them. It's a rather hard thing to explain. Hopefully once school starts I can get into a nice routine that I will be happy with. I am excitied though because today I got my room and roommate assignment. Although I'm not in the dorm that I wanted, I am in a brand new building which is less than 1/2 a mile from the main campus block. The dorm that I wanted is on the main campus block. But the more I looked into my dorm building the happier I became about it. I am only having one roommate as opposed to two or three. We have our own bathroom and I will get my own sink. So there are some upsides. Also better parking because of where my college is the parking is really bad and hard to find. So I'm just trusting that God has put me in that dorm room in that building for a reason and I just have to trust Him!

Sunday, June 29, 2008


I'm in this weird and lovely frustration period. First of all my job. I really do enjoy my job, but they keep scheduling me on days that I really can't work on, like Sundays which is when I go to church. I talked to my boss about it and He said that He wouldn't schedule me anymore but that my hours would probably be cut. I mean I understand but I've given him 5 and even 6 if He needs to schedule me, and I'm available on any of those days at any time. I'm just so frustrated. Secondly, school. I need money and I don't know where it's coming from. I realize that it isn't really any one's fault but my own, but I'm still frustrated about what to do. I guess it'll all work out, but in the meantime I'm still going to be frustrated.

Monday, June 23, 2008


In the past couple of days I have gotten three new cds and I haven't had to pay for any of them. First, I was at Wal.Mart with my mother and I got the old Carrie Underwood cd Some Hearts which I love and I've been wanting it forever so that was cool. And then I got 2 free cds from a radio station. They sent me an email and told me to pick my top 2 out of their list I guess in case they run out of one before they get my email or something. So I was only expecting one but they sent me both of them which is really cool. So I got the new Caedmon's Call cd Overdressed and Hillsong Live Mighty to Save. So yeah it's pretty cool getting free stuff!! New music is awesome. I'm working on my sis's vest on the knitting front, and hopefully I can get it done before I leave for school but I'm not holding my breath.

Sunday, June 1, 2008


Oh there are so many right now!
This is all I have done so far, just the bacFirst there is my sister's Bryant Slipover from Interweave Knits (sorry I don't remember what issue). I can't wait to see how it looks when I'm done!

I'm also working on the Bleeding Heart Stole also from Interweave Knits, but this is from Spring 2008. I'm really happy with it and very excited to see how it looks when I'm farther along. I started it on Friday and this is about all I've been doing all weekend.

I participated in a swap a while back on Ravely and I totally forgot to post what I got on here. My swap buddy was awesome!! I love everything that she sent me.
She sent me everything in a cute little bag with a Chinese print. Two sizes of index cards which I'm sure will be useful next semester at FC. A journal and pencil pouch, a case of paper clips and those little paper grippers, some tea, and an apple cozy. Which I love it's my new favorite thing. I actually showed it to some non knitter friends and they kinda looked at me like I was crazy, but I love it. I think it's the cutest!

Oh and Memorial Weekend I didn't have to work, so my family and I went down to the town where my college is at. Here are some pictures from the school.

This is the main courtyard area that leads to the lobby.

The ceiling of the lobby.

Part of the Campus.

It's gorgeous down there and I can't wait until September so I can move there. Anyway so that's about all. I have been thinking about trying my hand at spinning. Any thoughts? My mom already bought a drop spindle, I did buy some wool but I don't think it's going to work right. I might need to go and buy something else from my lys or maybe online.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Old Hobbies

I'm knitting but I don't have pictures of that right now. However I am starting to pick up on an older, less proficient hobby of mine. Sewing. I come from a line of women who sew, I learned at a young age but I haven't sewn in forever. So I've decided to make a quilt. I know it's ambitious, but this quilt has been in the works for about 2 years and since I don't have school and I'm going off to college next year I figured it's about now or never. So today I started cutting it out. This is the pattern that I'm following

Of course I'm not using that fabric, even though that fabric is really cool. Instead this is some of the fabric I'm using

Manatees and Flamingos may seem a little weird, but for some odd reason I love manatees I think they are the cutest. And the flamingo fabric is so cute. Most of this fabric is from my tropical/Hawaiian phase. I was going to do my room tropical but I never did. I still love the bright tropical colors and the patterns to. Anyway so this is what I'm going to be working on during my summer break.

In other news, This is what I got my mom for mother's day

I bought her the cupcake stand and my sister made her the cupcakes. I think this is the first mother's day present I've ever bought for my mom. Oh and I bought her this awesome Gilmore Girls card from Hallmark. She loved it. So that's what is going on with me lately.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Long Time No See

So I haven't really had much to talk about lately, hence the no blogging. Well college is going pretty good right now, and I'm on Spring Break this week so very excited about that. Since the last post I now am employed at a local craft store which is very exciting so I now have a steady stream of income and I get yarn at a discount so thats very exciting!!!! I am working on several new projects and after a trip to my lys I now have some great new yarn. This is what I bought when I went to my lys last week

if your on ravelry you can see them individually (my screen name is luvbg89). The yarn in the center is Jitterbug colorway fire I love it dearly I think it is the beginning of my stash as I have no plans to knit it anytime soon its just to pretty. I have started a couple new projects the first is the Bryant's Slipover from Interweave. Its for my sister and I'm about half way done with the back right now.

I love this pattern and I can't wait to see if on my sister when it's finished. I have also started a gift for my swap buddy for the College Knitters Swap. I have to get that done this week during by spring break so that I can send it to her in mid April. This is my first swap and I'm really excited about it. Oh and the Spring Shawl has been put on hold for now. Maybe I'll have more time to concentrate on it in the summer. Those who have finished it have really inspired me to take up work on it again it's so pretty. But alas I have so much going on right now that I really can't get it all done. So for now my shawl is on the back burner but I am determined to finish it soon. Again back to school I was accepted into my dream school last week. I'm so so so happy and excited. Also a little bit worried because well its really expensive. It's a private college and it's pretty cheap as far as private colleges go but still it's expensive. Student Loans here I come. Well thats about it for now, hopefully I'll have more to post at the end of the week.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

FO post

Finally, some new FOs to see. First up is the Debbie Bliss Shawl Collared Jacket (baby)
I think it turned out really cute. I haven't given it to the recipient yet because well I haven't see her fortunately the size is for a 12-18 month baby and the baby is only about 1 month old so I have a while.
Secondly, the Santa Cruz hat. I ended up giving this hat to my grandmother for Christmas. She actually liked, now whether she has or ever will wear it who knows but at least it was fun to knit. I might have to make myself one.

Finally, this is the yarn that I got for Christmas, it is for the Spring Shawl Surprise by Lul. I'm actually very sad right now because I have had to take a mini break from it so that I can get some school work done.

I really do like this yarn though. Its Jagerspun Zephr in the color Cassis. I am also working on a sweater for my sister. I'm sort of designing it myself so I decided to use a bunch of yucky acrylic yarn as a "test" sweater and then going and getting nice yarn later since the budget it pretty low right not. Well thats all for now I must study for Anatomy and then go to bed.

Friday, January 25, 2008

My Amazing Father

I just have to say how amazing my dad is. My laptop screen broke something to do with the LED or something I don't really know. So anyway he ordered a new screen from dell and installed it himself into my computer. Now don't get me wrong I was slightly freaking out the whole time but it was amazing he took the screen apart and installed the new one without even really knowing how to do it. And amazingly it worked!! I was so excited, I have been without my laptop for several months and its so nice to have it back. Who knew an airplane mechanic is also a computer repair man. So thanks Dad!!!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

I Lied

So I was totally planning on taking more FO pics and posting them but of course I didn't. For one thing I don't know where my camera cord is...I remember seeing it I just don't know where. So eventually they will be added. On another note college has started and its pretty fun so far. I have a lovely Anatomy test on Wednesday that I haven't studied for at all. Everything else is so easy right now. History of Florida and Human Growth and Development are probably my favorite classes right now. And then we come to Precalculus. The teacher is nice and has been easy but she doesn't teach and the homework she gives is online and has at least 30 problems if not more. I wouldn't mind the homework if it didn't take on average 3 hours to complete one assignment. Oh well I'll just have to endure it.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Knitting has Occurred

I'm an awful blogger but there hasn't been much to write about. College finished up and then Christmas came. Now in 5 days school starts again, I'm glad but sad to because now I have to wake up earlier because I have Two 8am classes one's on Monday/Wednesday and the other is Tuesday/Thursday what a drag. But I've actually been knitting a lot I just haven't taken pictures yet but I will soon and post them I will also post what I got for Christmas as soon as I take pictures of it. Well I'm off to go and get my books for class, and then I'm coming home and posting a bunch of pictures :)

Ugg I just got back $600 for books...ridiculous