Saturday, January 1, 2011

Passion 2011


Today I am leaving for what should be an amazing four days in Atlanta for Passion 2011. This college student conference will be a time of rejuvenation and just spending time with some great people and God. I was fortunate to go last year to Passion 2010 and although it was a very trying time. I also was given a vision for my life last year that I hope will also happen this year. I truly believe that this conference is the most brilliant thing ever created, and having the opportunity to listen to great speakers like Louis Gigilio, Francis Chan, and Beth Moore is just the tip of the iceburg. I also love having the opportunity to really make an impact on the community and world through Do Something Now!

If you have missed the opportunity for Passion 2011 in Atlanta. There will also be a second Passion 2011 in Fort Worth in April. I would recommend this conference for every college student!

Check out the website for more information!

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