Saturday, March 6, 2010


I've finished 3 projects in 2 days that is every unusual for me. However, most of these projects had very little left to them to finish so I finally bit the bullet and finished them. The first was was a pair of socks for my sister.
The Basic Ribbed Socks in Red Heart Heart & Sole In Razzle Dazzle. I really loved this yarn just the pattern is adorable and made the seemingly monotonous part of knitting 3 x 1 rib go by really fast.

The second project was my Roomie's Scarf. It was supposed to be her Christmas Present but I ran out of yarn and had to wait till I went home to get more. I Cast on 17 stitches and just knit in seed stitch till it was long enough. I used Paton's Shetland Chunky In the Variegated Denim color way. It's really cute and matches the hat I made her last Christmas.

Finally I finished something for myself. I bought Bernat Alpaca Natural Blend yarn a while back and have been wanting to make somthing so I decided on the Kaya Cabled Scarf. It's really cute and was super easy! I guess I'll have to wait till it's really cold to really wear it but It'll be great.

On another note the Passion: Awakening Cd comes out on Tuesday and let me tell you it's amazing! I've been listening to it on Itunes and it is so great to relive that time at Passion 2010 through the music!

1 comment:

A Wedding Story said...

Your knitting looks great. I can unfortunately only knit straight lines, so scarves all around!